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  1:1 SESSIONS  

A 1:1 session is a great way to start if you want to clear a specific issue & regain inner calm, release stress or find clarity about your path.

All these sessions can be done online (via Zoom) or in person if you live in Adelaide.

For more in depth work, clear long held patterns and lasting transformation, ask for custom packages (& save on single session price).


60min - AUD$95

Sometimes, all we need is to share our concerns with someone who validates and truly listens, allowing us to feel seen and heard.

Step into a safe, confidential and nurturing space to address immediate challenges and aspirations. This session helps you to find clarity, unlocking your answers within, recognise your strengths, and develop supportive strategies to reach your goals.

Our counselling sessions are designed to help you explore and address a range of concerns, including relationship issues, work stress, anxiety, grief, life transitions, self-confidence, and finding a sense of direction.

Counselling is solution-focused, centering on the present and near future.

You can also use this session for career counselling, as we explore your career values and current alignment. 

Note: Counselling can serve as a gentle introductory step, paving the way for more profound healing and transformative processes during Integrative Therapy sessions.


Integrative Therapies

Clarity & Emotional Balance

90min - AUD$185 (Initial)

60min - AUD$115 / 90min - AUD$165 (Follow-up)

This session is best if you are seeking profound healing from past hurts as we explore the roots of your issues, understanding their impact on your present life, and create space for lasting change.

This fully customised experience aligns with your unique needs and aspirations, leaving you with a deep sense of inner connection, wholeness and the ability to embrace a more authentic version of yourself.

The modalities I tap into are designed to address the MIND-BODY & SPIRITUAL aspects of your experience: Kinesiology, Acupressure, Time Line Therapy®, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Gestalt Therapy, EFT, Energy Healing, Flower Essences, Sounds, and Guided Visualisation.

Through the use of muscle monitoring, we can directly tap into your body wisdom and identify where the blockages lie or check the presence of limiting beliefs.

Through intuition, I also receive some specific messages, guidance to unlock your path.

Enquire about tailored package options to fully step into your vision.

Learn more about Kinesiology and other tools I use below.



Kinesiology for 

Body Healing

90min - AUD$185 (Initial)

60min - AUD$115 / 90min - AUD$165 (Follow-up)

· Do you have any unexplained pain or residual pain persisting months after an injury has healed?

· Do you frequently hunch your shoulders, clench your fist, grind your teeth or hold tensions in your muscles?

· Do you suffer from any chronic conditions? e.g autoimmune disease, arthritis, digestive issues etc..

· Do you have trouble falling sleeping or staying asleep?

Are you ready to decode the language of your body and get into the root of the stress patterns that hinder your body's natural healing process?

Research in neurobiology, psychoneuroimmunology, and psychophysiology has confirmed what ancient healing wisdom such as TCM has emphasised for hundred of years: the deep interconnectedness of body and mind.

For example, we now know the mechanisms by which stressful emotions alter white blood cell function (the core of our immune system). Trauma or chronic stress can lead to dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system, at the root of chronic fatigue, IBS, chronic headache or PTSD.

Signs and symptoms are the body alarm bells informing us that we could be bottling things up, or ignoring our inner voice.

Through the use of muscle monitoring, felt sense and counselling, I help you tap into your body's wisdom to understand the energetic, mental, emotional or biochemical roots at the origin of these misalignments and release pent-up stresses so your body can return to a state of balance and harmony. 

The modalities I tap into are: Gestalt Therapy, Somatic Therapy, Kinesiology, Counselling, Acupressure, Time Line Therapy®, EFT, Energy Healing, Flower Essences, Sounds, and Guided Visualisation (and much more).


Energy Realignment | Chakra balancing | Intuitive Reading

60min - AUD$120

Release stress, clear your energy, lighten up by receiving a powerful energy healing!!

This is a pure channelled experience. I take you on a guided intuitive visualisation/ healing meditation and visit each chakra one by one. Using my clair senses, I receive information about specific blocks, negative beliefs held in your energetic system which I share with you before proceeding to an energetic clearing.

This is for those who prefer a more passive YET PROFOUND healing as you simply lay down and receive the healing.

At the end of the session we debrief on the sensations, messages shared, symbols and whatever came up during the healing.

Receive messages, specific guidance to unlock your potential & find alignment.

I may also incorporate crystals, sounds, acupressure, flower essences etc...

You will feel lighter & more vibrant!!

Enquire about the 'Limiting belief recoding via the 7 energy centres' package for deep realignment with your true essence.


Package your sessions and save

Kickstarter Pack

Includes 3 x 90min sessions of your choice

Flower essence to support integration

Valid 3 months



/session - you save $15

Purchase Now

Deep Dive Pack

Includes 6 x 90min sessions of your choice

Flower essence to support integration

Valid 12 months

Recommended for long-term change integration



/session - you save $90

Purchase Now

(Enquire about payment plans)

woman looking ahead at bright future

My commitment to you as a Counsellor, Kinesiologist and Intuitive Guide is to help you transform yourself from the inside out and gain a deeper, richer relationship with yourself and others.

I’ll gently guide you home, back towards your true self, reactivating the fire within. I’ll support you to step out into the world as your fully authentic self, enabling you to live the joyful fulfilling life that is your birthright!

I’ll help you reclaim your free, sovereign power, giving you tools to access your own intuitive wisdom. 

Let your body and heart be your own teacher and healer.

How we create misalignment in our mind-body and the key to a vibrant life

Aligning with our truth, being true to ourselves, is vital for feeling energised and living  an expansive life. It's about embracing our authentic selves, walking our unique path, and feeling whole.

However, it is not easy to stay true to our inner voice. Our conditioning and coping mechanisms take over.

We may feel like we have to put other people's needs & wants before our own. We may fear judgement or conflicts, have inner rules about how we must do things, what is possible and what is not (you know that when you use ''should'' & must a lot) etc...and so we repress our inner voice, we shut down our feelings, we compartmentalise who we are.

But by doing so we create resistance, frictions within ourselves, like driving a Ferrari in 1st gear or 2 people rowing in opposite directions.

This is extremely draining for our energetic systems.

In the long run these frictions, blocks, and densities that were created on an energetic level & are blocking the energy flow, start manifesting signs and symptoms in our bodies (e.g pain, fatigue, disease...).

Sometimes we do need these big alarm bells sent by our body, before we listen though...and start seeking help or implement the changes required.

I help you tap into your body's wisdom to understand the energetic roots at the origin of these misalignments so your body can return to a state of balance and harmony.


How I work

At Reconnected Self, it is all about YOU. We understand every individual is unique and can tailor strategies to your specific needs, values and preferences. There are no prerequired experience, we meet you exactly where you are at..

We value integrative approaches to health, and well-being because we understand healing is about the "whole person".

During our 1:1 sessions, we weave together evidence-based therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Counselling, EFT, Timeline Therapy as well as energy work and intuition to help you align with the REAL YOU and your heart desires.

We offer a safe and non-judgmental space to support you through this process of self-discovery, sifting through, revealing and diffusing those key stresses which are blocking you from achieving your goals.

Most people feel uplifted, lighter and more connected to themselves after their first healing session.

Our healing approach is not limited to in person sessions.

All of the processes I use can be conducted face to face in clinic or remotely via Zoom.


Kinesiology is very powerful energy medicine that allows us to tap into the wisdom of our organ of truth - our body!

Our body (and energy system) never lies to us. It stores all the memories of everything that ever happened to us and beyond (past line, ancestors lines)!

Therefore, it keeps track of all the events we have ever been through including the emotions, past hurt, and traumas we are trying to repress. When these don’t find an outlet, are not integrated and released, they create an inner resistance, friction within the normal energy flow of our body, like driving a Ferrari in 1st gear or 2 people rowing in opposite directions.

In the same way, every time we are not true to our heart, to ourselves, we impede this energy flow.

This is extremely draining for our energetic system (just feel the effect in your body when you say YES when truly deep down you mean NO).

Over time, this friction in our energy flow will manifest into our body. Stress, tension, overwhelm, pain, confusing feelings, digestive or sleep issues are examples of messages sent to us by our body to let us know that something is in imbalance, that we are not living in alignment with our true self.

Kinesiology uses the principles of muscle monitoring (as a natural biofeedback mechanism) and various energetic systems of the body to uncover and help us decode these messages.

We can then quickly and effectively understand the “WHY”, the root causes behind our stress patterns (e.g emotional, mental, spiritual, nutritional etc..) and put the pieces together.

We often find that the ‘WHY’ lies below our level of awareness, at a subconscious level which is where most of our programming, the reason why we think and act the way we do is held and represents about 95% of the information available to us.

For example, you don’t have to think about digesting, breathing…your body does it automatically for you.

We are only consciously aware of 5% of all the information available to us.

Therefore, when we try to change a pattern, we want to tap into the subconscious where lies our power.

By doing mindset work, setting resolutions, using affirmation, etc, we really only use 5% of all the healing potential available to us. If deep down we still hold a subconscious belief that is not in alignment with what we are trying to achieve, we will quickly revert to our old ways.

This often includes patterns & beliefs passed down through ancestral lines or in our different past timelines.

Kinesiology helps us tap into our blind spots and helps us understand ourselves at a much deeper level.

Being anchored into Traditional Chinese Medicine principles (TCM) which is a very ancient mind-body system we are able to decode the information stored by our body.

The real goal of any 'balance' is to identify the bottom-line cause of this malfunction and then to correct it and restore the normal flow of energy, in other words let the body work the way it is meant to do.

This is why usually when you eliminate a belief or release an emotion you also experience the shift in the associated symptom your body manifested in response to this long-term stress.

Modalities normally used in kinesiology: acupressure holding points, neurolymphatics, flower essences, essential oils, crystals, sounds.

A session is totally customised to what is needed at that moment.

I hold a comprehensive Diploma of Kinesiology and a diploma in Mind-Body Medicine from the College of Complementary Medicine & have fine tuned my sessions over the years to deliver best outcomes. I weave through my sessions Timeline Therapy, proven coaching tools and my intuitive power to read your energy field and channel higher guidance for a complete picture.


NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming is a communication model based on the study of subjectivity and one’s perspective of life.

As human beings we are meaning makers. We respond to how we perceive reality but not to reality itself. We can never fully grasp reality because every event that happens outside of us is constantly filtered through our 5 senses, our beliefs, our values, our past experiences.

This constant subconscious process alters the content of what is presented to us, which gets then further distorted through the words we use when we communicate with each other.

Words can only convey concepts and are never a full image of the truth. Miscommunication happens when 2 people have different concepts, different maps of reality.

NLP is about the study of our internal representations (our map of reality) and the way we communicate it to ourselves and to others. NLP helps us reframe meaning to allow us greater freedom of action.


Time Line Therapy® utilises a person’s own internal “Time Line” to work with their unconscious minds in a variety of ways; including, healing emotional traumas and eradicating unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviours.

Your “Time Line” is how you unconsciously store your memories or how you unconsciously know the difference between a memory from the past and a projection of the future. Behavioural change in an individual takes place at an unconscious level. People don’t change consciously.

The Time Line Therapy® techniques allow you to work at the unconscious level and release the effects of past negative experiences - whether it is this lifetime or an ancestral timeline or a past life and change “inappropriate” programming in minutes rather than days, months or years.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapeutic treatment that helps individuals understand the thoughts and feelings that influence their behaviours. 

Using the ABC model as a framework, CBT suggests that emotional and behavioural problems stem from unhelpful thoughts (including their corresponding mental representations). This model depicts that an “Activating Event” (A) triggers a “Belief ” (B) about (A) which is at the root of emotional or behavioural “Consequences” (C) (Gehart, 2015).

This model underscores that it is our interpretation of situations, rather than the situations themselves, that generate distress and unproductive behaviours. CBT’s core objective lies in heightening individuals' awareness of automatic negative thoughts concerning the self, others or the world, cognitive distortions, underlying beliefs, and assumptions associated with daily events and challenging these thoughts and beliefs so they can be replaced with more supportive ones (Beck & Beck, 2020).

For example, not securing a job after an interview, may lead to irrational beliefs like "I am a failure" or pessimistic thoughts such as “I will never get a job”. This may result in sadness, frustration or even hopelessness leading to a decrease in motivation, potentially hindering the individual from future job-seeking endeavours.

CBT empowers the individual to examine contrary evidence, through exploring past achievements, and positive feedback from others or acknowledge factors outside of their control.

Through this process the individual could reframe their belief such as “While I didn't get this job, it doesn't mean I am a complete failure. I have strengths and successes in other areas of my life." and experience a sense of relief, increased self-esteem and renewed motivation to continue to apply for jobs.

This example underscores that learning CBT empowers individuals to identify, challenge, and restructure irrational thoughts and beliefs, fostering positive emotional outcomes and constructive behaviours.

CBT is one of the most researched and evidence-based approaches for managing mental health. As part of your long-term care plan, I prioritise teaching you Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) skills. This will equip you with tools to identify and challenge negative thought patterns, develop practical coping strategies, so you can engage in supportive behaviours.

Gehart, D. R. (2015). Theory and treatment planning in counseling and psychotherapy. Cengage.

Beck, J. S., & Beck, A. T. (2020). Cognitive behavior therapy: basics and beyond (3rd ed.). Guilford Publications


Learning Enhancement Acupuncture Programme (LEAP) is a kinesiology technique developed by Dr. Charles Krebs which aims to re-programme the brain. 

 LEAP works to re-synchronise an individual's brain neurology to give an individual full access to their potential abilities.

It involves a series of protocols to balance the brain pathways & survival centres of the brain in charge of the stress response (e.g fight/flight/fawn) and helps the brain work in a more integrated way.

When the left and right hemispheres of the brain are more integrated, adults and kids can experience better mental clarity, emotional balance, and enhanced cognitive abilities. LEAP helps correcting learning difficulties.

I'm trained in the following LEAP programs:

▷ LEAP FT1 - Brain Integration & stress (Survival Switching and Commissural blocks preventing Right – Left Hemispheric Integration)

▷ LEAP Environment Factors (Allergen, Virus, Dehydration, Geopathic & Electromagnetic stress at the root of the loss of brain integration)

▷ LEAP Brain Integration 2 (Brainstem & Reticular Activated System (RAS) involved in survival response, Balance Equilibrium)


With roots in somatic and Gestalt psychotherapy, this highly transformative technique targets a person's subconscious thoughts about their problems so that they can better understand the patterns at plays and integrate them.

The subconscious isn't logical and analytical like the conscious mind. It uses the language of symbols, pictures and metaphors to communicate ideas to your conscious mind.

Once a deep state of relaxation is reached, you may be guided to allow your mind to prompt a picture that symbolizes your pain, issue, emotion etc…We then enter into a dialogue with this image to explore and reveal its meaning and relevance to the current issue.

It’s an intensely personal experience which varies completely from one individual to the other. This technique never follows a rigid script, I intuitively guide you to explore all aspects and fine tune as required.

It’s used for the exploration of both physical and mental symptoms.

This principle is also used during inner child work or parts integration work.

For example, a person with poor food choices who had been feeling anxious and sluggish lately was guided to visualise how he’d been feeling lately. The first image that came to his mind was a white plastic bag…digging further this bag was filled with “rubbish” like a bin bag.

He came to realise that energetically this was related to the food choices he’d made and all this was impacting his energy. He had a deeper, more profound realization that he needed to make different food choices.

We cleared the bag and cleared the body parts where density and stagnation were felt. He felt much more vital and was really motivated to create change in his life which he had struggled to do before.

During this process, I may also use Quantum Technologies that are unique healing frequencies channelled from source to help shift the stagnant energy and accelerate healing.


Before our counselling or integrative session begins, I take the time to review your client intake details to gain insights into any potential blocks that may be holding you back.

Whether our session is conducted via Zoom or in person, we start by discussing your current situation, vision, and aspirations.

I then utilise various tools from my toolbox, such as Counselling, CBT, Time Line Therapy, muscle testing (kinesiology), guided visualisation etc as needed, to help you find clarity, clear any limiting beliefs or energetic stagnation. This process is designed to help you regain flow and ease in your life.

When appropriate, I may also share specific intuitive messages and guidance tailored to your unique journey.

For in-person sessions involving kinesiology or intuitive healing, you will remain fully clothed and lay down on a comfortable massage table throughout the session.



Most people feel uplifted, lighter and more connected to themselves after their counselling/integrative therapy session.

A session may take several days to fully integrate. You may still receive specific insights and messages during this time.

When completing deep energetic work, you may also experience some “detox” symptoms such as being tired. This is all very normal and will shift after a couple of days. It is important to stay hydrated and drink enough water.

We are all unique and have our own journey with our own blocks & programs to release, so please be gentle with yourself.

It is always a great idea to journal about your experience to assist with the integration process


Although you will experience breakthrough and healing during your very first intuitive healing session, the processes, behaviours, habits and mindset at the origin of your signs, symptoms & stresses did not happen overnight.

“Dis-ease” (which in its original form meant lack of ease or discomfort) only appears after months or years of imbalances (e.g negative self-talk, survival state, repressed emotions etc)

Therefore clearing these negative programs is not going to be achieved in a one-off session.

The number of sessions you will need is based on how much you already know about your pattern, the outcomes you would like to achieve and how committed you are to practice the tools and learning acquired from the session in your daily life.

For deep lasting change, I highly recommend you to check out my packages (3-5 sessions) and tailored programs which allow us to dive deep in what you wish to clear & offer significant reduction compared to the single session.

Still unsure about how I can help you?


© 2020 Reconnected Self