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Remove your scarcity blinkers and fill your abundance cup!

Price: AUD $44 (total value AUD $315)


Have you ever wanted something so badly that all your thoughts, actions & energy were focused on it?

We often feel that our happiness or freedom relies on having THIS ONE THING in our life.

"When I will finally have that relationship, money, time or success in my life, then I will be content and fulfilled.'' 

Have you ever felt like that?

The issue with this is that it creates an energy of "waiting" around us. We may be living for that hypothetic day in the future when we finally ''will have it''. We are not truly satisfied in our life in the present moment. 

Most importantly, it creates this tunnel vision, letting this be at the center of everything we do.

 This can cause us to make our life choices based on fear or a sense of urgency rather than the most aligned path for us...such as :

- overdoing: working ourselves to death to make this thing happen

over-giving or forgetting ourselves in a relationship because we may be afraid of losing it.

This is one example of what a lack mindset is - focusing on what we don't have and what is missing, what is not working out for us which can cause us to miss out on all the opportunities, possibilities, and joy lying before our very eyes!

By the law of resonance, like attracts like and this waiting/ lack energy may be the one thing that is pushing further our desires.

An abundance mindset is about realising that nothing is capped, there are always new opportunities emerging. It is about believing in infinite possibilities and being able to see life through multiple angles rather than seeing problems as black or white. It is also and more importantly the ability to see all your potential and believe in yourself. The bonus here is that this makes you really magnetic!

What if your own cup of trust, self-love and abundance was so full that you knew that no matter what would happen, you will be ok?

What other choices would you make? how would life feel?

Certainly more light and colourful!

This is really the seed I'd like to plant & develop in my next online event "Abundance Mindset Imprint Workshop"

When you embody an abundance mindset you know you always have a choice and this is really empowering...

If you would like to throw your scarcity blinkers to the curb and fill your cup of abundance, so you can feel ignited & more empowered, then join me in this highly interactive, fun workshop on the 27th of August 2022.

This workshop will arm you with impactful tools that will help you understand where the feelings of lack come from & shift from a scarcity mindset to embodying more abundance.

In this 3 hour worshop, we will...

  • Examine the various aspect of a scarcity mindset & sneaky ways you may be wearing scarcity blinkers without realising it.

  • How a scarcity mindset is imprinted in us so you can take the control back over feelings of lack, & reframe negative beliefs

  • Learn about what being abundant really means and explore the whole dimension of abundance.

  • Learn about 3 building blocks of abundance: Being anchored to the Earth, Connection, Self-Love

  • Key practices to help you shift from scarcity to abundance, from a mindset, emotional and energetic point of view.

  • We will close the workshop with an energy realignment: clearing the scarcity hooks especially around the energy of the sacral chakra (the master chakra when it comes to abundance & flow!!!).


Bonus #1 :

All participants will receive a free healing meditation "Meeting the energy of money". 

In this guided visualisation, you will be able to explore your unique relationship with money & receive insightful messages to open yourself more to it. We will discuss your experience with this during the workshop

Bonus # 2 :

Attend live and enter the draw to receive a free mini 30min energy alignment to deepen one aspect of the workshop


"Hi beautiful, I'm Aurelie,

The topic of "not enough'' is very dear to me. 

A grew up in an environment where I was told from an early stage that there wasn't enough..."money was never enough'', "'the grass always seemed greener on the other side"'...most importantly the message I received was "I was not enough''.

This had me look for myself for years, trying to fill a void...just feeling there was always something missing.

I was just never satisfied or content - I would just focus on what I didn't have or wasn't working. There was also this underlying fear that something bad was going to happen.

It is only after a path of reconnection to myself, to who I really was and embracing all of my human dimension that I finally got it!! 

Keys, I want now to share with you so you can feel more whole, joyful and fulfilled.

Abundance is our birthright and something we have to choose for ourselves everyday!''

As a purpose coach, clairvoyant, kinesiologist, Aurelie has helped hundreds of souls find more meaning & purpose in their lives by helping them reconnect with who they really are; release false beliefs & blocks using mindset shifts and energy realignment.

Free from limitations, they can tap into their intuition and inner guidance to live a life in alignment with their highest path.



  • Tend to see the glass half-empty. Seeing hurdles rather than opportunities, problems rather than solutions, or always expect the worst

  • Are not feeling truly satisfied or content with your life.

  • Tend to look for the things that are not going your way instead of all that you have achieved.

  • Feel like the grass is greener on the other side, feel others have it easier or look happier than you and wonder why it cannot be the same for you!

  • Want to get more out of life and feel more richness in your experiences !!

Love Notes

“Aurelie is a special person who has been called to help people needing to clear their blockages, return to a state of healthy self-esteem and to bring love to fill their hearts. She has skills and experience in many modalities such as Kinesiology, NLP and many others and she brings her experience and insight to the amazing sessions I have had with her. 

She has helped me, in the most beautiful way, to realise the major blocks in my life and gently helped me to move forward and take control of my addictions, emotions and get to the reason I have hung on to them for such a long time. I didn’t think it was possible to sort out these issues in my 60’s but with Aurelie’s help, I’ve made major breakthroughs and the relief is so good. 

I highly recommend Aurelie if you really want to overcome your blocks and issues and bring love and happiness into your heart….and life. “ …Nina B

Abundance is your birthright, open yourself to what is already there!!!


Contact: [email protected]

©2022 Aurelie Muhl