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The Receiving Circle


Next circle: Tuesday 19th of December 2023 

7.00pm ACST-Adelaide / 7.30pm AEST-Sydney / 8.30am BST-London


Duration: 1h

Join live to have the option to receive a mini reading of your energy and personalized guidance!

  • Would you like to meet like-minded souls in a safe, supportive environment where you can share pieces of your life, feel heard, and simply feel more connected?

  • Would you like to expand your ability to receive? Surrender to the flow of the universe & receive more guidance, insights, love, ease, time, energy, abundance?

  • If yes, I would love you to join us in the “Receiving Circle”, a space for like-minded souls to come together, share their experiences, set positive intentions, connect and harness the collective power of a group healing.

    What is the Receiving  Circle about? 

    This universe is all about balance. Just like giving it is equally important to receive.

    This balance is often broken in our daily life, giving most of our time, attention, and energy to things that are outside of ourselves, taking care of others, and sometimes ignoring our own needs.

    We may find it easier to give than receive and accept all the good things such as love, care, nourishment, joy, and fulfilment. 

    The Receiving Circle is all about opening our hearts wide so we can truly experience the fullness of receiving love, compliments, support without that background need to diminish or sabotage it. 

    But it's more than that—it's a sacred journey of expanding our capacity to "hold", to feel worthy of welcoming all the wonderful things we desire into our lives, whether it's a soulful relationship, a perfect opportunity, or a profound insight.

    However, to reach that place of fullness, we know we must clear the path. We need to remove the blocks, dismantle self-sabotage, rewire limiting beliefs.

    These group healing meditations/ alignment journey will give you an opportunity to bring your attention inwards, focus on yourself and activate your receiving energy.

    Remember you can only attract in your life what you are energetically able to receive!

    These gatherings are held online via Zoom (in the comfort of your own home) and scheduled on a monthly basis (time & date may vary to allow people to join live).

    Each time, we will be exploring a specific topic and exploring the multiple facets of receiving.

    Make yourself comfortable, with your favourite warm drink in hand, ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing...

    What happens during a Receiving Circle:

    Each receiving circle will start with a brief introduction about the topic, where we take the time to define our owns specific intention.

    I then open the floor for questions and invite people who feel drawn to to share their thoughts, current or past experiences, struggles, or celebrate their wins.

    (I highly welcome sharing during these sessions to enhance the richness of the experience. It also gives permission to those who are not used to sharing in groups to do so, although this will remain your own choice and there will be absolutely no pressure to do so).

    I will then take you on alignment process to help you clear the path towards receiving that particular intention. This may include EFT, intuitive reading or a channeled guided visualization/ healing meditation where I will also focus on specific blocks coming up for the collective about the topic shared.

    I will then invite you to share your experience with others or leave the space if you want to keep bathing in the soothing, relaxing vibes of the meditations.

    A recording of the healing will be available after each session so even if you cannot attend a particular time/day, you can still join the Receiving Circle group & receive all the benefits.

    This is a totally FREE event, delivered via Zoom!

    Through my work as a Kinesiologist, Intuitive Healer & Self-Empowerment mentor, I have helped hundreds of souls clearing false beliefs, stories, sabotages and repressed emotions that were preventing them from showing up authentically, accessing their full potential & live the lives they deserved.

    Many of these blocks could be summarised under one umbrella - not feeling worthy of receiving which would totally sabotage good things coming into their lives.

    I also realised that our ability to receive has been negated and suppressed since our earliest age through societal conditioning making us believe that:

    • e.g Receiving is conditional – you only receive if you have been a good boy/ good girl.
    • You cannot trust anyone who is giving you something, they want something in return.
    • Asking for help is weak.

    To name a few...

    The Receiving Circle is born from a desire to rebalance the scale, to spread the truth that you are worthy of having it all ! to help you receive more of your energy, more of who you are as well as all the great things that may come your way, money guidance, support, help, love.

    So if you want to unlock more of your ability receive, join me in the Receiving Circle for FREE activations, meditations & channelling and connect with yourself and others.


    Meditations are highly relaxing and insightful. Group meditations can provide the necessary encouragement and kick start for you to develop a consistent practice. Anyone holding a non-judgement, open-mind attitude is welcome to these sessions!! So feel free to share around.

    Don’t hesitate to reach out for more information, questions, etc.

    Contact: [email protected]

    ©2022 Aurelie Muhl